Prison Years

Still Life, September Afternoon

__No lo quiero que le tapen la cara con pañuelos
para que se acostumbre con la muerta lleva.__ – Federico García Lorca

Night eats at the day from both ends.
Like a tender annual, I know the chill
belies the bright sun,
portends the death
I have gotten used to carrying.

Dark grey underbelly and bright white carapace
of a turtle-shaped cloud,
a two-inch quill of grey-black goose down,
the black-and-white “Selected Poems
of Federico García Lorca”
in Spanish and English—

This company is not random:
first sky, then I
composed them.

But no oracle appears….

Name Remember

About Katherine Power

I didn’t set out to be a terrorist. As a student activist, I moved from protesting the war in Viet Nam to waging guerrilla war to overthrow the government….

Recent and Upcoming Appearances & Publications
3/12/19 Peace, Justice and Transformation, Parallel Conference to the UN Commission on the Status of Women, 777 United Nations Plaza, NYC
11/13/18 A Journey from Guerrilla to Grandmother, Lifelong Learners: An Independent Collaborative, Temple Shir Tikva, 141 Boston Post Road, Wayland, MA 01778
10/10/18 Provincetown Women’s Week Reading from Doing Time:Papers from Framingham Prison, AMP, 432 Commercial Street, Provincetown, MA
4/6-9/2018 The Nature of Change, Radical Imagination Conference, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
1/15/2014 Complexity and Social Change, Occupy Radio
10/31/2013 Surrender, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
10/25/2013 Surrender, Taos Community Theater, Taos, NM

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